Monday, September 12, 2011

G20 preparation - latest info

Here's the latest info after the local meeting with Cannes mayor office.

There are two controled zones around the palais des festivals. For people who live or work within the zones require the special access badges. (this can be applied at the Cannes mayor office)

Zone 1 (Blue) : Access restricted from 23:59 31/10/2011 to 16:00 - 18:00 4/11/2011 
The palais des festivals and sourrounding areas - only the residents and the people works in the area and G20 people will have the access - with the ID.  No cars are allowed.

Zone 2 (Red) : Access restricted from 23:59 01/11/2011 to 16:00 - 18:00 4/11/2011
Other sourrounding areas - only the Zone 1 / 2 badge holders, G20 people will have the access - with the ID. Access with Cars with the relevant security authorisation - apply with the badges, same applies with taxis.  No public access into Zone 2 unless relevant badges with ID.

The Cannes station is open to public during this period - however, the bus route may be different to normal working days.

Approx. 40,000 people from over 25 countries, 7 official organisations and medias, journalists are expected to gather in small town of Cannes during this period.  The businesses within these areas are expected to be open as usual for those visitors.

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